Drip Irrigation System Best Irrigation System


LYPLAST is a trusted leader in providing comprehensive drip irrigation systems, offering reliable and efficient solutions to our valued clients for years. We are committed to delivering complete irrigation services using premium materials sourced from top international suppliers, known for their exceptional quality. By introducing these high-grade materials to our operations in South Africa, we ensure superior performance, sustainability, and long-lasting partnerships with our farming community.

Micro-irrigation, also referred to as localized irrigation, low-volume irrigation, or drip irrigation, involves the distribution of water at low pressure through a network of pipes, applying small, precise amounts of water directly to the plants. This irrigation technology encompasses various methods, including traditional drip irrigation with individual emitters, subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), micro-sprayers or micro-sprinklers, and mini-bubbler irrigation systems.

Drip Irrigation System For Small Farm

In this system, water is delivered drop by drop directly to the plant’s root zone or nearby. This method allows for highly efficient water use, as it minimizes evaporation and runoff. With proper management, drip irrigation can achieve a field water efficiency rate of 80 to 90 percent, making it one of the most water-saving irrigation techniques available.

Drip irrigation system case

The Benefits of Drip Irrigation

Low Pressure Efficiency:
Drip irrigation systems work effectively under low pressure, unlike overhead systems that require pressure tanks when using multiple sprinkler heads.

Reduced Soil Erosion:
With drip irrigation, water is applied as a slow and steady drip, significantly reducing runoff and preventing soil erosion.

Healthier Foliage:
Overhead watering keeps leaves wet for long periods, leading to discoloration and spotting. Drip irrigation, by applying water directly to the roots, keeps the leaves dry and healthy.

Fungus Prevention:
Wet leaves can promote the spread of diseases like powdery mildew. Drip irrigation minimizes leaf wetness, helping prevent fungal infections.

Minimised Nutrient Runoff:
Large volumes of water can cause nutrients to be washed away from the soil. Drip irrigation reduces runoff, preserving vital nutrients in the soil.

Fewer Weeds:
By targeting only the root zones of plants, drip irrigation deprives weeds of water, making them less likely to grow between crops.

No Need for Extensive Levelling or Drainage:
Traditional irrigation systems can leave water pooling on the soil surface, requiring site levelling and drainage solutions. Drip irrigation uses less water and delivers it directly to the roots, reducing the need for levelling or drainage adjustments.


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